Durante Junio y Julio de 2022 realicé una residencia al sudeste de España, en el pueblo de Blanca en la región de Murcia, estos son algunos registros de mi trabajo en ese contexto.
Una serie de dibujos hechos a partir de textos de realismo mágico que escribí durante mi estadía en Blanca relatan mi experiencia en el pueblo. El calor hierve la tarde como un infierno, el limón es clave para luchar contra la ola de calor. Únicamente su sabor mejora el del agua corriente. Entonces el limón es la buena onda, la frescura. Las excesivas horas de siesta que duermen los habitantes de Blanca durante la tarde es de 14 a 18 hs y te hace pensar que si el pueblo se suspendiera por el aire y desapareciera de la faz de la tierra nadie en el pueblo se percataría, todos dormirían. Blanca está en el cuento de Blancanieves dormida sin deseo de ser despertada. La campana de la Iglesia mantienen vivos a los habitantes de Blanca, suena cada 15 minutos día y noche. En la fábula infantil la tortuga vence a la liebre sin correr la carrera. El cuerpo humano de un residente de Blanca pasa tanto tiempo en un cuarto que se convierte en un mueble mas. O se derrite al bajar las escalinatas desde la montaña para hacer sus compras. O se convierte en campana luego de escucharla sonar en la iglesia cada 15 minutos día y noche.
During June and July 2022 I attended to a residency in the southeast of Spain, in the town of Blanca in the Murcia region, these are some records of my work in that context.
A series of drawings made from magical realism texts that I wrote during my stay in Blanca recount my experience in the town. The heat boils the afternoon like hell, the lemon is key to fight against the heat wave. Only its taste improves that of tap water. So the lemon is the good vibes, the freshness. The excessive hours of siesta that the inhabitants of Blanca sleep during the afternoon is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and makes you think that if the town were suspended in the air and disappeared from the face of the earth, nobody in the town would notice, everyone would sleep . Blanca is in the story of Snow White asleep with no desire to be woken up. The church bell keeps the inhabitants of Blanca alive, it rings every 15 minutes day and night. In the children's fable, the tortoise beats the hare without running the race. The human body of a Blanca resident spends so much time in a room that it becomes just another piece of furniture. Or she melts coming down the steps from the mountain to do her shopping. Or it becomes a bell after hearing it ring in the church every 15 minutes day and night..
A series of drawings made from magical realism texts that I wrote during my stay in Blanca recount my experience in the town. The heat boils the afternoon like hell, the lemon is key to fight against the heat wave. Only its taste improves that of tap water. So the lemon is the good vibes, the freshness. The excessive hours of siesta that the inhabitants of Blanca sleep during the afternoon is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and makes you think that if the town were suspended in the air and disappeared from the face of the earth, nobody in the town would notice, everyone would sleep . Blanca is in the story of Snow White asleep with no desire to be woken up. The church bell keeps the inhabitants of Blanca alive, it rings every 15 minutes day and night. In the children's fable, the tortoise beats the hare without running the race. The human body of a Blanca resident spends so much time in a room that it becomes just another piece of furniture. Or she melts coming down the steps from the mountain to do her shopping. Or it becomes a bell after hearing it ring in the church every 15 minutes day and night..